
Saturday, July 31, 2010

BMW 5 series 2011

Question I am asking myself with this one is why did they get out of Formula 1? They had everything going for them. The look is very tempting, One of those when you take a look at, you feel like you are looking at a car that wants to be driven. This 5 series has surpassed the old 5 series because that car is still marketable to date. Driving the old 5 series still gets you noticed as you cruise the street, so one can imagine what strides had to be taken to come up with the new BMW 5 series.
Drove the  535, acceleration is really rapid so overtaking that annoying rig is no longer hard work. Braking on this car is very impressive. Not tested cornering at high speed but from the width of the car, the center of gravity is very low.  Electronics have moved up a notch. No longer is it a standard BMW interior, but the handbrake is electronic. Ignition is now a button and the car only starts with the key in close proximity to the sensors, by this I mean in your pocket. The driver’s seater is made to follow the curves on your bottom plus the armrest is more accommodating for the elbow while you can still twig a few controls on the armrest. Automatic lever is such that to change gears you just push the lever forward or backwards after releasing the lock on the lever.
This new reverse camera thing is really catching on and it’s really convenient too.

All in all this is a good step forward for BMW and worth taking a look at. While you are at it, its the weekend, Lets be safe out there and not drink and drive please. Enjoy The Hungarian Formular 1 Grand Prix

Monday, July 26, 2010

Experiences at Dealerships

Now this should be interesting and I wanna hear about your experiences as well. Going to a car dealer has become somewhat of an experience hasn't it? I wish they will be a bit more understanding and not too selfish about making the sale and making that elusive commission. I went to Honda in Lancaster California the other week and was received by some really good guys there. Had a very good time when I was looking at their cars but what ground my gears, was the fact that the senior sales people there were very rude, I mean I was with my son and wife so these guys are in a little office using profanity and very loud too. Now if that's not a deal breaker I don't know what is. This really does give people who you work with a bad name. Now I don't want to go back there. I hope whoever is in charge there gets to sort it out. Now I want what happens to vulnerable customers in these dealerships. The Toyota guys were very helpful and polite and never at any one point try and twist my hand into purchasing a car, now in this comfort zone you tend to want to buy the car.

Times are hard I know so maybe that's why car sales people are like the way they do. I went into the Chevy Dealer in Palmdale too. This is where I felt so small. I mean the guy who was helping me was pretty new, so he was honest enough to let me know that his knowledge on the cars was limited and I respected that, but then he referred me to the man who knew it all. Tell me folks when has anyone ever gone to the dealership not knowing what they want. This guy was talking to me like I have never looked at a car or seen a Tahoe even. I am a Mechanical Engineer for crying out loud. Very patronizing. I was going to test drive the Camaro as well so I thought to myself no, I will have to get it from another dealer and I am hoping they wont be as pushy.I could not wait to get out of that Dealership. I am sure I am not alone in saying all this. People we should not let them get away with it because that's "the way they do things." Well that is not the way we are as customers handle business, we dismiss and move one. I would hate to see my mother being treated with such contempt like that. Tell me people what your experiences have been like at Car Dealers, when these dealers decent on you and all they see is dollar signs. I am definitely having a Wall of Shame for Dealerships as well.


  1. Rally Auto Group Palmdale California (Chevrolet Section)
  2.  Lancaster Honda.. California

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Chevy Tahoe

Chevy Tahoe, looks amazing doesn't it. Of course it does, look at it. All the movies we have watched and all those television shows, Chevy Tahoe always makes them all look good. Tahoe takes you to the movies.The black ones always look menacing. Guess in a way, this a real American symbol. This car is beautiful. From the Old school Tahoe to this car there has been some real work put in for you. Remember this car is the GMC Yukon and Denali, Cadillac Escalade. This is a beautiful car indeed but I am not sure the American people need to have the name of the car to be twigged a bit and then sold back to them for a higher price. I don't agree. Fitted with bucket sits inside to ensure comfort. Dashboard still looks a bit standard in this car. Very good navigation system plus the car radio is outstanding. The side mirrors have a little feature that's amazing. When the car is in the reverse mode they tilt downwards so the driver can see where he is going and not on some curb plus the rear view camera helps as well. The car has crumble zones at the front in the hood and get this the engine faces slightly upwards as well so in case of a collision it falls downward and not move horizontally into the car. First time I have seen this feature. The headlights are made from this flexible new material that is unbreakable so be my guest people take a baseball to this car's headlights. All stops were pulled on this car's safety. Good job Chevy. The side panel are designed in such fashion that in case of an unfortunate accidents the door does not have to be replaced but the panel act as the buffer and take most of the punishment and can be easily replaced. In case you walk into the mirrors and many will know what I am talking about the mirrors will not be damaged as the deflect both forward and backwards. Another small stride but very handy from Chevy. Looking Good fellows.

What happened to the drive then. A car like this should be the Ultimate driving experience. Sadly this was not to be. Guys people need to have that peace of mind when buying a car, and that the same car will take care of them for the next three years but I did not feel this. The most important aspect of driving was missed on this car. This just a sluggish nice looking car. Feels unsafe and I am sure its does not take much for it to overturn. Acceleration was good but when braking the car was running away from you. Suspension was not sturdy at all. This car is very unsafe. A car this size should have a rigid suspension. When the safety features were put in this car it was not for avoidable accidents but ones that cannot be avoided. Well of the Mark here gentlemen. Very disappointing because I had such expectations for the Tahoe. And fact that the salespeople at Chevy are rude and too pushy does not help. Very patronizing indeed. When someone comes looking for a car they more or less know what they want and your job is to point them in the right direction. Will be better if the car was worth the trouble but unfortunately no.

No one should pay too much for a car that's unsafe anyway. $ 54000.00 fully loaded. That is a lot to pay for a car you know is not safe. I could not wait to finish the test drive and just get out of this car. Very disappointed. But don't take my word for it. Have look for yourselves. The wall of shame will be coming soon. Have candidate number one already.

Watch this space people. Too much fairy tales in this commercials.

Ford Expedition

Like I said last week, the next thing we shall do is throw in American SUVs to see how well they do against those from Europe and I have not forgotten the Japanese as well. That's coming  soon too. Where would I go but where it all started and that's at Ford. Don't forget I  am going to showrooms like I am purchasing a car for myself so it matters greatly what the sales people will say and how they treat me. I always approach any showroom with the utmost respect and I think its always good to have that reciprocated. Now the guys at Ford Lancaster were very helpful and I enjoyed myself there.

As you can tell the Expedition looks good and the feel is that of a Master in the game. Remember these guys have been making cars from day one and know a thing or two. This is a big motor by any standards so getting it , one has to make sure their pockets are deep gas wise 14litres to the gallon City and 20litres  Highway. Not a high end vehicle but made for the working class American this car serves that market very well. Eye candy if you ask me this car is. The way people like to "hook up their cars" as it were in America, perfect candidate.Seven seater and the seven will sit without feeling like they are going to federal prison especially the two at the back. Although I have to say that comfort  is compromised a bit because you are sat right on top of the rear axle which takes some hammering during any journey. Saying that though there is room still in the back of the car to put  some luggage for that day out or that holiday. Space and comfort in one SUV, now there is something you dont often see in a car with very good drivability.

The drive was much better than I had anticipated, after all every time Ford is mentioned there is a tendency to just dismiss them as lowbrow. I drove it out of the lot and the ride was quite smooth. Silent purr under me and I knew I was packing heat. Soon as I had a chance I was pedal to the metal and this beast came to life and just chewed the asphalt in front with ease. Impressive or what? The braking was really good for a big car too. Handling was pretty good too because the suspension is sturdy.Good job FORD because this in the most important aspect on any car. One must feel they have control of the machine they are running. Compared to the Audi Q7, you don't necessarily need the extra kick to get past those ghastly rigs who are unpredictable on the freeway. City driving was impressive too because the Expedition can hold its own amongst the City slickers. Like I mentioned earlier gas guzzler this one and not very friendly to the environment. Ford are still lagging in technology like the reverse camera accessory, folding mirrors and these hybrids that everyone is making these days. But I would say for just over $35000.00 one does not feel like they have had their pants pulled down like at BMW.

Not a bad family car to be honest. I would recommend  people to have a look and see what they think.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Audi Q7

Now people talk about SUVs and what not but what are they talking about, possibly a Chevy, Lincoln or a Ford even and a lot of people mention this bad boy right here. Slick and stands out a bit. Very noticeable and definitely when you are on the road eyes get turned. Has those LED lights that look like eyebrows and I love them. Notice the way it curves from the front to the backside. Not too impressed with the backside of it though because it looks incomplete, Like Audi will come up with an extra something to put in the back soon. This is a little comfort zone though inside. Got 10 cupholders in total and I like the particularly nifty holder by the driver and the passenger side. Temperature control is really a hit with this one, The front has its own temperature controls and so does the back and get this the drive can control his or her own environment, none of this I am too hot or too cold business. Has the directional rear view mirror as well so you know where you are going, handy sometimes. Suspension looks balanced and the car does not look too high or too low. Sits 7 but would recommend only five because the other two will be really uncomfortable. Think European manufacturers should concede that Americans and Japanese are ahead of the curve on this one and just drop the two extra seats. Safety is a much highlighted feature with six airbags and very sturdy roll bars all around the car. A little cocoon if you ask me but this is no license to drive like a maniac .

So to the drive then. Nice when cornering and then slow but sure acceleration, firm and really stable. Someone did their homework on this on and it takes curves on the road with such ease. Seats are well adjustable and can follow the contours of your body. This is particularly nice for those long journeys and those Long hours in the Southern California Traffic Jams. Handling is awesome in this car because it feels like you are in tune with the car and the road.Have to say though that unless you engage the sporting mode then the acceleration is a bit on the unreliable side. This car can go off road very well and the suspension makes you feel like the bumps are not there at all, Well done Audi. Three point turn in limited spaces is more like two point turn. Then of course the reverse camera which is slowly looking more and more standard by the day.Wheels on this car can turn very well. Now this car is easily in the high end market with its features and looks but surprisingly well priced. This particular model 3.6 280hp V6 was only going for $54 000, that is a bargain compared to the VW Touareg or the BMW X5. Given the choice I would pick this car any day.This is with all the extras like panoramic sunroof , reverse camera, satellite navigation and folding mirrors for those sticky situations you would rather get out of without a scratch.

This is a car to buy people , now we wait to see how well it does against the American and Japanese SUVs next weekend. Keep your ears to the ground because its all here.


Took this beast on the road. Now straight up the name catches your fancy does it not? I looked at this piece of engineering and I was drawn to it in an instant. Looked very inviting . So went through the basics and was impressed. I mean this car might be from Europe but its been designed in such a fashion that it will take on American competition with no problem at all. Matter of fact it will leave all of them in its wake. This was one in the M class not the M power itself. Big car, gross weight 6000 pounds, so one can imagine. 7 sitter although I think in this one car 5 is the maximum 7 is very ambitious guys. The other two will be very pressed for space to be honest and doubt safety was thought about seriously for these two. trunk space will be too limited to. On the road this car is quick of the mark. Acceleration is pretty impressive. The comfort in this car is amazing, the seat is designed to fit your curves so ,not a lot of tinkering with the controls. Side mirrors have such a good view and the inside rear view mirror has a little feature that tells you which direction you are traveling in regards to the true North. Nifty or what? BMW pulled all stops to make the interior look unique for this model unlike back in the day when if you sat in one model BMW , you have sat in them all. Then the must have accessory in most cars these days the reverse camera. You probably need this in your car if you are terrible at reversing, nevertheless very handy thing to have in this car I thought because its bigger. Much wider than its predecessor. Unfortunately not quite at the stage where you have to keep your keys in your pocket and just press the start button yet. Will get there I am sure but in the mean time a bit of work never hurt anyone. Will have to slot ignition into a little switch near the wiper switch.

Now acceleration on point, but one thing that bothered me was the weight because you can feel in  the steering. Very sluggish this car and speed has to be greatly reduced when going into a roundabout and cornering. felt a bit high as well so there is always that worry that this X5 M is unstable like the range Rover of the Old days. With an engine this big as well gas mileage is greatly reduced too. This is one of them gas guzzlers too, only 17mpg highway. I am sure BMW could have done well to make it better because partying with $85 000 is not child's play. Maybe they were trying to make it a high end vehicle but I they fell a bit short because the competition is definitely doing better. Tell me those who have sampled the X5 and tell me what you think..................?


Now you have all driven or taken a ride in a host of different cars. Some you have liked and some you found very forgettable. Doesn't it just grind your gears when you see those commercials about cars , telling you this and telling you that, only when you get in the car you find its nowhere near what they say. "Well its a commercial, that's what commercials do" you would say. Now then , this is where we come in, we are going to test drive these cars and let you know what we experience so when you buy a car you at least have a very good idea of what you are buying and not what the car sales people are saying. Its only fair that American people should know what they are spending their hard earned cash on, after all there is a and economic downturn as it were. JD Powers and Associates have always reviewed car in their professional capacity, we are going to give people an honest assessment based on the cars we drive and not have to follow some script set up by someone or some organization.

There would be loads of cars to be driven, some gas Guzzlers, some hybrid and will make their owners smile and some just cars. Cars shall be put on the Wall of shame, yes our own wall of shame where we shall question the manufacturers and pull their pants down over these somewhat hideous and underperforming machines. Notice I do not refer to them as cars. These shall be driven as well and given their fair evaluation. Very open to feedback about the cars that people own and how they have carried you the consumer over the years. I am sure there will be very interesting feedback. We want to find out why cars in America get a lot of recalls and not elsewhere? Even delve into the whole Toyota debacle.

Looking forward to be talking and interacting with all of you.
